Franchise Fact: Matco Tools has been Ranked #1 in Tools Distribution by Entrepreneur Magazine for 5 of the past 7 years!

Advantages of Owning a Franchise

Looking for the freedom and flexibility of owning your own business but concerned about overhead costs, large initial investments, and hiring employees? A mobile franchise opportunity like Matco Tools might be the right choice for you. Mobile franchises like Matco Tools have been around for years and are a great alternative to a brick and mortar store.

Here are six advantages of owning a Matco Tools franchise:

Lower start-up costs
With a mobile franchise, the most significant start-up costs are lower. For example, purchasing or renting space in a building can be a huge expense, depending on the size of the space, property taxes, additional fees and the real estate market of a particular neighborhood or area. With a Matco franchise, you’re spending a lot less than you would to fill wall-to-wall displays in a store and there are no leases, space rentals, or costs associated with a storefront.
A reliable workforce—YOU!
There is no doubt being your own boss can be highly satisfying. Likewise, having no employees to hire, train and manage has its perks, too. Mobile franchises are usually smaller and easily managed by one or two people. So, you can focus your resources on building solid relationships with your customers.
Flexible work hours
Mobile franchise owners can set their own hours and schedules, unlike those who operate traditional franchise stores, which must follow set operating hours. Matco distributors can decide the best times for calling on their customers, and they can arrange their days to accommodate other activities and important responsibilities, such as childcare needs or school events.
One of the biggest challenges of owning a business is increasing awareness and traffic at a store location. Mobile franchises allow owners to travel to their customers instead of waiting for customers to come to them. Plus, Matco trucks provide free advertising as owners travel from location to location, and it continues wherever the truck is parked.
Stronger customer relationships
Traveling directly to a customer helps build trust and strengthens the relationship. Instead of one-off interactions, calling on customers allows mobile franchisees to get to know not only their customers’ names but also their concerns, interests and even their employees or associates.
Matco franchise owners get to see the environment in which their customers work so they can analyze their customers’ needs first-hand. A sales pitch can be much more effective when the suggested product can fill an existing need.
More sales
Often customers need a product but do not have the time or resources to get to a store to purchase it. Mobile franchises bring the products directly to the customers, making it easier for them to make purchases and, as a result, increase sales for the franchisee. Even if a product is not in stock, customers know they can trust their Matco distributor to order the product quickly with virtually no hassle.
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