Franchise Fact: More than 200 new Franchises are currently available with pre-established routes, contacts, and potential customer lists.

How Much Do Matco Distributors Make?

Matco Tools Distributors operate as independent business owners. That means how much they make depends on the performance of their business. There are many unknowns and unique variables that factor into franchise owner salary, here are a few examples:

  • The amount of time dedicated to the business
  • How much a franchise is able to sell
  • Money management skills
  • Differing state tax policies
  • Business Expenses
  • Truck inventory

To understand how much Matco Franchisees make, you will need to account for the cost of the business as well as ongoing expenses, in addition to the revenue chart below.

Average Total Revenue (Completed Business) Of Matco Distributors In Business For All Of 2021:

Top 1/3 of Matco Distributors Middle 1/3 of Matco Distributors Bottom 1/3 of Matco Distributors
Average Total Revenue (Completed Business): $694,641 $449,242 $285,102
Total Revenue (Completed Business) Range: $1,920,299 - $529,677 $529,571 - $380,269 $378,827 - $0
Number and Percentage That Attained or Surpassed This Level of Performance: No. of Distributors Above Average: 187 (36.7%) No. of Distributors Above Average: 245 (48.1%) No. of Distributors Above Average: 296 (58.3%)
Total Median (Completed Business) Revenue: $644,369 $447,053 $303,025

*The Total Completed Business (total receipts which include cash and credits) numbers above do not represent net income or profit, and do not take into account the cost of the goods sold or expenses incurred to run a Matco business such as truck lease payments, fuel, truck maintenance, labor costs or owner salary draw, loan repayments, freight costs, insurance and promotions. The numbers are simply based on the gross revenue taken in by the businesses. The cost of the expense noted above can vary greatly depending upon which part of the country the distributor may be operating in.

*While some distributors have produced the above revenue numbers with their sales, your results may differ. There is no assurance that you will sell as much.

*During the 2021 calendar year, 189 Distributors closed or ceased operations. Of these, 15 were open for less than 12 months, including 13 that closed or ceased operations pursuant to the Test Drive program that is described in Item 5 of our 2022 Franchise Disclosure Document.

Want to get a better idea of what YOU could make?

You'll be better able to determine your income potential as a Matco Distributor once you have met with a Matco Tools Franchise Expert. They will be able to provide you with the best possible income estimates for franchise owners in your area.


Interested? Let's get started.